Friday, September 21, 2007

Sick and Cloudy[my mind, that is- It's really quite nice out]

You know when you're sick and there's a haze inside your head? You know how you'll try to process information, try to make basic transitions
- transitions you know you can do
- transitions you are fully aware are in you daily portfolio - there's no second guessing that you can .......not smell the food you have spent an hour preparing because you never have a night off work and will truly enjoy cooking a hearty meal for the first time in 11 and a half months. Or for that matter that you even made it home from the grocery 2 blocks down- after wandering, searching for ..........................damn how long have i been here?

It's just that little check box is somehow left blank. In some dusk corner of your
(now throbbing) mind someone unplugged the outlet and didn't think to let anyone know.


When i get my hands on some Apple Cider Vinegar and clear this cold up I'm gonna have words with these folks. I'll tell them in no uncertain terms

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